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Sun, 14 Oct 2018

Parsing Timeline 3.1

Announcing Timeline 3.1

I have just released version 3.1 of my Parsing Timeline. It is a painless introduction to a fascinating and important story which is scattered among one of the most forbidding literatures in computer science. Previous versions of this timeline have been, by far, the most popular of my writings.

A third of Timeline 3.1 is new, added since the 3.0 version. Much of the new material is adapted from previous blog posts, both old and recent. Other material is completely new. The sections that are not new with 3.1 has been carefully reviewed and heavily revised.

Comments, etc.

My interest in parsing stems from my own approach to it -- a parser in the Earley/Leo lineage named Marpa. To learn more about Marpa, a good first stop is the semi-official web site, maintained by Ron Savage. The official, but more limited, Marpa website is my personal one. Comments on this post can be made in Marpa's Google group, or on our IRC channel: #marpa at freenode.net.

posted at: 18:22 | direct link to this entry

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