Ocean of Awareness

Jeffrey Kegler's blog about Marpa, his new parsing algorithm, and other topics of interest

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Marpa resources

The Marpa website

The Ocean of Awareness blog: home page, chronological index, and annotated index.

Mon, 12 Mar 2012

A Marpa mailing list

Ruslan Zakirov has started a Google mailing list for discussions about Marpa: marpa-parser@googlegroups.com -- I am grateful to Ruslan for doing this and plan to follow the mailing list.

On another topic, I will be removing the "bare name" version of Marpa from CPAN shortly. The "bare name" Marpa is a legacy, deprecated version and is simply causing too much confusion, with search engines and elsewhere. The official, stable version of Marpa remains Marpa::XS.

posted at: 18:42 | direct link to this entry

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