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Sun, 22 Aug 2010

Perl and Parsing 4: The Golden Age of Right Parsing

Like political views, parsers are often divided into left and right. Also like political views, the left-right classification is more hindrance than help in some cases. Earley's algorithm (my main interest) is one algorithm that does not fall into either category.

In this post I want to start to talk about those parsers which can be neatly classed as left or right. First off, to say a parser is a left or right parser does not describe the direction in which the parser works. The working direction of any parser is always left-to-right, except in the very rare cases that it is stated otherwise. Every treatment of parsing theory I've seen follows this convention. Right-to-left parsing is useful sometimes in practice, but the theory of right-to-left parsing is simply a mirror image of the theory for left-to-right parsing.

Left (or top-down) parsers, drill down the left side of a parse. This may seem like a myopic approach. Frankly, it is a myopic approach. But it is one which is very far from dead -- left parsers are actually gaining in popularity.

In fact, I'd say among those actually implementing parsers, top-down is by far the dominant trend. Why that is, I hope to explain in another post, one in which I come back to top-down parsers. In this one I want to talk about the Golden Age of the Right Parsers.

Right (or bottom-up) parsers are less myopic. Instead of simply drilling down the left hand edge of a parse tree, right parsers reach out to the right and produce a rightmost derivation.

How do they do this, while still working left-to-right? Right parsers do this by running the derivation backwards, or "bottom-up". Hence the name.

Looking for the rightmost derivation makes right parsers more powerful. They handle more grammars, are better at error checking, etc., etc. Since they work bottom-up, they're more complicated to write than left parsers. Left parsers came first, and it took a while to figure out how to write an efficient right parser.

(A warning for those who haven't noticed. This is not going to be one of those histories with lots of carefully qualified statements. It's going to be more Winston Churchill than Fernand Braudel.)

The lineage of the Yacc algorithm starts with a 1965 paper by Knuth, which discovered the LR algorithm. The LR algorithm contained the basic ideas behind bottom-up parsing, but did not immediately revolutionize parsing. LR(0) -- LR with no lookahead -- was fast, but parsed very few grammars. LR(1) -- LR with 1 character of lookahead -- parsed enough grammars to be practical, but the tables LR(1) required were too large for the computers of the time. In 1969 Frank DeRemer discovered you could combine the two algorithms into something called LALR. LALR parsed almost all the LR(1) grammars, but its tables weren't much larger than those for LR(0). With LALR, the theoretical groundwork for right parsing was laid.

The Golden Age of Right Parsing begins in 1975, with the Yacc parser generator. Yacc didn't just put LALR parsing on the map, it reshaped the geography of parsing so that parsing looked like LALR. LALR parsing dominated parsing theory for decades. At the nadir, some introductory textbooks on parsing theory were 100% focused on LALR. For them, and any student whose view was limited to their pages, LALR parsing was parsing.

The Golden Age of Right Parsing was the time when our idea of what a programming language should look like was being formed. LALR wound up being a controlling force behind that idea. Perl came out in the middle of the Golden Age of Right Parsing. Perl's grammar is very much both a product of, and a reaction to, that Golden Age and the LALR algorithm.

In a previous post, I've already given a small example of how LALR shapes Perl: the following useless but syntactically reasonable statement

is in fact a syntax error in Perl 5. But the influence of LALR on Perl runs much deeper than that. I hope in future blog posts to attempt to describe that influence.

posted at: 00:29 | direct link to this entry

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