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19.4 Life cycle mutators

Mutator function: int marpa_r_start_input (Marpa_Recognizer r)

When successful, does the following:

Return value: On success, a non-negative value, whose value is otherwise unspecified. On hard failure, -2.

Mutator function: int marpa_r_alternative (Marpa_Recognizer r, Marpa_Symbol_ID token_id, int value, int length)

The token_id argument must be the symbol ID of a terminal. The value argument is an integer that represents the “value” of the token, and which should not be zero. The length argument is the length of the token, which must be greater than zero.

On success, does the following, where current is the value of the current earleme before the call and furthest is the value of the furthest earleme before the call:

After recoverable failure, the following are the case:

Libmarpa allows tokens to be ambiguous. Two tokens are ambiguous if they end at the same earleme location. If two tokens are ambiguous, Libmarpa will attempt to produce all the parses that include either of them.

Libmarpa allows tokens to overlap. Let the notation t@s-e indicate that token t starts at earleme s and ends at earleme e. Let t1@s1-e1 and t2@s2-e2 be two tokens such that s1<=s2. We say that t1 and t2 overlap iff e1>s2.

The value argument is not used inside Libmarpa — it is simply stored to be returned by the valuator as a convenience for the application. In applications where the token’s actual value is not an integer, it is expected that the application will use value as a “virtual” value, perhaps finding the actual value by using value to index an array. Some applications may prefer to track token values on their own, perhaps based on the earleme location and token_id, instead of using Libmarpa’s token values.

A value of 0 does not cause a failure, but it is reserved for unvalued symbols, a now-deprecated feature. See Valued and unvalued symbols.

Hard fails irrecoverably with MARPA_ERR_DUPLICATE_TOKEN if the token added would be a duplicate. Two tokens are duplicates iff all of the following are true:

If a token was not accepted because of its token ID, hard fails with the MARPA_ERR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN_ID. This hard failure is fully recoverable so that, for example, the application may retry this method with different token IDs until it succeeds. These retries are efficient, and are quite useable as a parsing technique — so much so we have given the technique a name: the Ruby Slippers. The Ruby Slippers are used in several applications.

Return value: On success, MARPA_ERR_NONE. On hard failure, an error code other than MARPA_ERR_NONE. The hard failure for MARPA_ERR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN_ID is fully recoverable.

Mutator function: int marpa_r_earleme_complete (Marpa_Recognizer r)

For the purposes of this method description, we define the following:

In this method description, we will frequently refer to parse exhaustion. Parse exhaustion is discussed in detail in its own section. See Exhaustion.

On success, does the final processing for the current earleme, including the following:

On hard failure with the code MARPA_ERR_PARSE_EXHAUSTED, does the following:

We note that exhaustion can occur when this method fails and when it succeeds. The distinction is that, on success, the call creates a new Earley set before becoming exhausted while, on failure, it becomes exhausted without creating a new Earley set.

This method is commonly called at the top of a loop. Almost all applications will want to check the return value and take special action in case of a value other than zero. If the value is greater than zero, an event will have occurred and almost all applications should react to MARPA_EVENT_EARLEY_ITEM_THRESHOLD events, as described above, and to unexpected events. If the value is less than zero, it may be due to an irrecoverable error, and only in very unusual circumstances will an application wish to ignore these.

How an application reacts to exhaustion will depend on the kind of parsing it is doing. See Exhaustion.

It is often up to the logic immediately around this method to detect EOP. See End of parse.

Return value: On success, the number of events in the event queue when the method call returns. On hard failure, -2. Hard failure with the code MARPA_ERR_PARSE_EXHAUSTED is fully recoverable.

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