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25.12.4 Completed and predicted symbol instances

A symbol instance cannot trigger both a MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_COMPLETED and a MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_PREDICTED event at the same location. Call the location, j. Coincident events with the types MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_COMPLETED and MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_PREDICTED cannot be triggered by a single symbol instance because the symbol instances for MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_COMPLETED and MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_PREDICTED cannot be zero-length; the symbol instance for the MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_COMPLETED must end at j; and the symbol instance for the MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_PREDICTED must start at j. That is, if the MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_COMPLETED symbol instance is sym@c1-c2 and the MARPA_EVENT_SYMBOL_PREDICTED symbol instance is sym@p1-p2 we must have all of

so that c1 < p1 and the two instances sym@c1-c2 and sym@p1-p2 must be distinct.